San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Completed rail upgrades for state of good repair, replacing track, adding seismic upgrades, and upgrading aging infrastructure in the Sunset and Twin Peaks Tunnels.
Purchased new Light Rail Vehicles while continuing the replacement and expansion of the aging motor and trolley coaches to increase service in high demand areas, improve service overall, and lower the average age of the fleet.
Upgraded and expanded facilities including the opening of the Islais Creek Facility, the construction of storage tracks at the Muni Metro East site to provide additional train storage space, replacement of worn infrastructure at the Green Center storage yard, and continued replacement of escalators in Muni Metro Subway stations.
Completed Vision Zero-related high priority street safety projects. In 2017, the SFMTA implemented over 700 engineering measures on city streets, including more than 70 concrete bulb-outs, 50 painted safety zones, 50 speed humps, and 50 signal system upgrades. Also installed 12 miles of new or upgraded bikeways. In total, 77 miles of engineering improvements were installed in 2017, 34 miles of which were on the city’s High-Injury Network.
Bicycling Improvements: Completed three new parking-protected bike lanes, finished the Masonic Avenue Streetscape Project and Wiggle Neighborhood Green Corridor, and expanded the Bay Area Bicycle Share program.

San Francisco International Airport
Completed the Interim Boarding Area to provide adequate terminal facilities during the demolition and construction of Terminal 1 and the new Boarding Area B.
Opened the new Consolidated Administration Campus, a four-floor staff building housing nine Airport divisions and approximately 400 airport staff. The project is expected to achieve LEED Gold certification, enhance staff collaboration, and revenue-generating opportunities from the vacated office spaces.
Completed the Ground Transportation Unit (GTU) Relocation project, also expected to achieve LEED Gold certification while providing new offices and inspection bays for the GTU, office and work spaces for the Radio Shop, and fuel and wash stations for City-owned vehicles.
Completed Fire House No. 3, a new LEED Gold structure in the South Field area, consisting of a two-story office building, living quarters, and a five-bay apparatus garage.
Broke ground on the new Airport Hotel, which will open in summer 2019.
Demolished the old Air Traffic Control Tower in Terminal 2, setting the stage for a new Terminal 2 Office Tower that is under construction.

Other Agencies
Completed Phase 1 of the Salesforce Transit Center Project. (TJPA)
Advanced major efforts on Yerba Buena and Treasure Islands, projects to improve the design and connectivity of transportation projects on the island. (CTA)
Removed and replaced existing vehicular and pedestrian bridges over tracks at 22nd Street, 23rd Street, and Paul Avenue to meet seismic safety standards. (CalTrain)
Began service of new cars for the Fleet of the Future; production of new cars will continue with final delivery of all cars by spring 2022. (BART)
Began overhauls of escalators at the Montgomery and Embarcadero Stations and renovated 90 elevators to improve safety, appearance, and cleanliness. (BART)
Installed protective canopies at the Powell and Civic Center Stations to protect escalators from weather and debris. (BART)
Released a request for qualifications to build the next-generation automatic train control system, which will reduce delays and allow more frequent service during peak periods. (BART)