Streets and Rights-of-Way
Street Resurfacing: Repaved and maintained 1,300 street blocks total in FY2017 and FY2018, raising the City's average Pavement Condition Index score in 2017 to 74. All districts have had at least one-third of their blocks resurfaced since 2009.
Sidewalks: Inspected the sidewalk condition of 168 blocks and repaired more than 236,638 square feet of sidewalks.

Public Utilities Commission
Achieved level of service (LOS) goals for 40 of the 43 Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) projects with specific LOS goals, as of June 30, 2018.
Near completion of the Calaveras Dam construction, the largest WSIP project, having recently reached its full height at the crest elevation of 775 feet.
Began construction of the Westside Recycled Water Project and made steady progress on construction of several groundwater projects including the Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery project and the San Francisco Groundwater project.
Replaced 19.4 miles of local water mains in FY2017 and FY2018.
Continued construction in Sunol Long Term Improvement and Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrade Phase III projects.
Continued progress towards completion of the Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP), now about 25% complete overall. As of June 30, 2018, 20 projects were in closeout or completed, eighteen projects in construction, and thirty-two projects in pre-construction phase.
Commenced construction of the New Headworks Replacement Project.
Awarded Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) contract for the
Biosolids project.
Completed construction in various projects including Channel Green Infrastructure, North Point Facility Outfall System Rehabilitation Project, Islais Creek Green Infrastructure, and Lake Merced Green Infrastructure.
Completed design work and issued bids on construction for Oceanside Plant Digester Gas Utilization Upgrades, Mariposa Dry-Weather Pump Station & Force Main Improvements, and Geary Bus Rapid Transit Sewer Improvements Phase 1.
Completed the first phase of Mountain Tunnel inspection and interim repairs and started Phase 2.
Performed cleanup and emergency repairs to assets associated with the Moccasin and Priest Reservoirs and adjacent areas in response to the March 2018 flash flood storm event.
Completed Power Infrastructure System Reliability Projects including the Warnerville Switchyard Upgrade Phase 1.
Performed facilities upgrades to over 80 Hetch Hetchy structures to meet water levels of service for sustainability, operational objectives for power system reliability, and regulatory compliance.
Power Enterprise’s Utility Field Services made the power system safer, assessing 21,596 of 24,399 poles and replacing 143 damaged or deteriorated poles in FY2017 and another 105 in FY2018.
Completed energy efficiency projects including garage demand control ventilation for the Union Square Garage, building controls upgrade for three SFPD stations, a lighting retrofit at the Legion of Honor, the installation of a solar electric system at Davies Symphony Hall, boiler retrofits for Laguna Honda Hospital and San Francisco Fire Department (eight locations), lighting retrofits for Ella Hill Hutch Community Center and the De Young Museum, and design and permitting completion of four solar electric projects.