Office of the City Administrator
Completed Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Moscone Convention Center Expansion Project, dramatically expanding the size and revenue potential of the facility with additional conference and display hall space, including 800,000 square feet of convention amenity improvements, as well as over 8,000 square feet of new public open space.
Completed construction of a modern and efficient Public Works Central Shops facility with SFPUC at two proximate sites: 450 Toland and 555 Selby Street.
Began construction on the One-Stop Permitting Center at 49 South Van Ness, a new building that will feature 430,000 square feet of space that will consolidate operations for the Departments of Building Inspection, Public Works, Planning, Public Health, and other departments that do permitting work.
Expanded the successful Pit Stop Program to 18 locations. With staffed attendants, clean and safe public toilets, sinks, used needle receptacles, and dog waste stations in the City's most impacted neighborhoods. The Pit Stop Program provides a place for people to take care of their bathroom needs with dignity.
Created 92 murals through the StreetSmARTS program in collaboration with the Arts Commission in the most graffiti-tagged parts of the City, engaging both artists and private property owners in the effort of deterring tagging.
Secured funding and completed design for a seismically resilient Animal Care and Control Shelter that will reduce overcrowding, provide modern, safer standards of care, and prevent the spread of disease amongst animals in the City's care.
Completed the Assessor-Recorder Space Modernization project for improved public service and more efficient business operations.
Completed barrier removal work on the Juvenile Probation Administrative and Courts building to provide uniform physical access for the public and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Secured Board of Supervisors approval for the acquisition of 700 Stanyan for future affordable housing.
Presented a five-year Civic Center Reorganization Plan to the Budget & Finance Committee of the Board of Supervisors.
Sold 30 Van Ness, 1660 Mission, and 1680 Mission, securing $122 million in sales proceeds, the largest sales in the City’s history, and enabling the construction of the One-Stop Permitting Center at 49 South Van Ness.
Other General Accomplishments
Continued San Francisco’s global environmental leadership during the 2018 Global Climate Summit with commitments towards meeting greenhouse gas reduction obligations under the Paris Agreement, reducing waste, and pursuing financing opportunities for green projects throughout the city.
Continued to work toward uniform physical access and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Initiated a dedicated effort to construct or upgrade curb ramps at locations with sub-sidewalk basements.
Constructed and/or upgraded 1,758 curb ramps in FY2018 and 485 curb ramps thus far in FY2019 to comply with ADA standards.