San Francisco Fire Department
Renovated 25 of the City’s 44 operating fire stations through the 2010 and 2014 ESER and 2016 PHS Neighborhood Fire Stations Programs.
Completed design-build procurement process and schematic design phase on seismic improvement project at Fireboat Station 35 at Pier 22 ½, with permitting in process and CEQA review nearly complete.
Construction complete on seismic improvements projects at Stations 5 (Fillmore District) and 16 (Marina District). Both stations opened in FY2019.
Exterior envelope improvements completed at 17 stations and more designed for stations 8, 20, 23, 24, 29, and 34.
Completed roof replacement projects at Stations 20, 22, 23, 29, and 43.
Shower improvements at stations 17, 19, and 33 designed and bid.
Apparatus bay door replacements complete at station 3 and underway at stations 2, 11, 13, 19, 24, 31, 34, 40, and 41; design and permitting complete for apparatus bay door replacement projects at 25 Stations across all 11 Supervisorial Districts
Design and permitting underway for emergency generator replacement projects at Stations 2, 14, 18, 19, and 31.
Advanced Emergency Firefighting Water System projects in collaboration with the Public Utilities Commission by completing construction on 21 of the 30 planned cisterns projects and seismically improving and/or replacing pump stations, reservoirs, tanks, pipes, and tunnels.
Broke ground on a new, seismically safe,and more efficient ambulance and paramedic deployment facility located at 2241 Jerrold Ave.

San Francisco Police Department
New Firearms Simulation Training Facility construction completed in August 2018.
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work advanced at Bayview, Richmond, Taraval, and Tenderloin Stations.
Park and Ingleside Police Station renovations under construction.
Other Public Safety Accomplishments
Completed the construction of the new seismically sound replacement building for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner at 1 Newhall Street.
Funded the renovation of the County Jail #2 kitchen to reduce operational dependency on the Hall of Justice.
Completed the Sheriff's Department Facilities Master Plan, which documents current and future capital needs across its jails and other facilities.
Identified and cost-estimated improvements for County Jail #2 and County Jail #6, including space allocation alternatives to support modern facilities.
Completed Sheriff’s Department Infrastructure Improvement Study, identifying operationally critical requirements such as a new court holding/staging and transportation facility.
Delivered Final Report of the Re-Envisioning the Jail Work Group. This report aimed to find alternatives to incarceration for the prisoner population currently housed at the seismically and operationally unsafe Hall of Justice.
Added capacity for the City’s 9-1-1 Operations Center, increasing the total number of dispatcher consoles from 34 to 42 by creating more facility dispatching space.
Advanced the Citywide 800MHz Radio System Replacement. Completed enhancements of the city’s Public Safety Emergency Radio Sites. Twin Peaks Tower construction is 75% complete with the old tower slated for removal in 2019. Construction of a new radio shelter at the VA Medical Center is underway.