03. Accomplishments

Health and Human Services
Department of Public Health
- Secured funding through the City’s Certificates of Participation (COP) program for Laguna Honda administration building renovations. Designs have been completed and construction is targeted to start 3rd quarter 2021.
- Progress on Tom Waddell Urgent Care Relocation to new City-owned facility at 555 Stevenson St. currently under construction. Occupancy is targeted for 1st quarter 2022.
- COP funds secured to pay for tenant improvements and relocation of adult immunization travel clinic to 25 Van Ness.
- Progress on Public Health Lab Relocation to Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG). Project will include state-of-the-art facility with construction commencing by 2nd quarter 2021.
- Grove St. exit programming and seismic retrofit feasibility planning for Building 3 at ZSFG underway to facilitate DPH Executive Staff Relocation to ZSFG.
- Finalized contract for Construction Manager / General Contractor for the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond projects at ZSFG including seismic upgrades, IT infrastructure, and relocation of departmental services.
- Completed Urgent Care Relocation, Phase I of Seismic Retrofit, and Bldg. 5 Roof Replacement (2020) at ZSFG as part of 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O Bond.
- Began Phase 2 construction of Southeast Health Center which has an occupancy target of 2nd quarter 2022.
- Continued renovation of Maxine Hall Health Center Renovation with an occupancy target of 2nd quarter 2021.
- Commenced renovation of Castro Mission Health Center with construction to commence in 1st quarter 2021 and completion targeted for 1st quarter 2022.
- Funding approved through the COP program to support long-standing, major public health renewal projects including the ZSFG Chiller and Cooling Tower.
- Feasibility studies for ZSFG Buildings 80/90 seismic retrofit strategies is underway.
- UCSF Research Building project at ZSFG campus broke ground summer 2020, with construction continuing through completion in 2023.
- Identified location for childcare center at ZSFG to support workers at the campus.
Human Services and Homelessness and Supportive Housing
- Opened the Embarcadero SAFE Navigation Center and expanded the Division Circle Navigation Center.
- Commenced construction of the Lower Polk Navigation Center and the Bayview SAFE Navigation Center, both of which will be completed by early 2021.
- Planned for needed rehabilitation work at San Francisco’s publicly-owned homeless shelters, funded by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.
- Completed and opened HSH Headquarters and Client Access Point at 440 Turk Street, funded by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.
- Commenced construction of the Homeless Health Services Center as the ground-floor activation of the supportive housing project to be constructed at 1064-1068 Mission Street.
- Acquired a Coordinated Services Center for San Francisco’s Homeless, working with the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to identify a property in SoMa to build permanent supportive housing at 1064-1068 Mission Street. The development will provide studio apartments for more than 250 households experiencing chronic homelessness, with 100 of these new units designated for formerly homeless seniors, age 62 or older. It will also include a dedicated Homeless Services Center.