Upgrade, Repair, and Protect our Sewer System

Sewer System

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission’s (SFPUC) Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) is a 20-year, multibillion-dollar citywide investment in upgrading our aging sewer infrastructure. Costly emergency and routine repairs are not sufficient to keep pace with our 100-year-old, seismically vulnerable system, and the longer upgrades are delayed, the more expensive they become. The system faces a number of current and future challenges, including the increasing intensity and frequency of storms that can overwhelm our system. SSIP includes both upgrades to critical grey infrastructure like treatment facilities and pump stations as well as green construction that uses natural processes to reduce stormwater flows into the system. Sewer system upgrades like this are is essential to the overall vitality of our City’s public health, the environment and our ability to recovery after a disaster.

More information on SSIP is available here.

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